Blind Man Walks 6 Miles to Work Every Day Until Kind Woman Forms ‘Mr. Bill’s Village’ Community

A Facebook group, ‘Mr. Bill’s Village,’ helps a hardworking blind man get to his workplace every day!

Bill Moczulewski from Cabot, Arkansas, is a sincere and hardworking man. He cannot drive a car since he is legally blind, but it is certainly not a barrier, he walks to work every day.

Be it rain or sunshine, thunderstorms or snowstorms, nothing stops him from reaching his workplace, a local Walmart store, where he works as a night shift janitor.

He has been walking from his home to the Walmart store every day for the last six years, a distance of around six miles on each side.

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It takes him at least two hours to walk each side, but all of that changed one day when Christy Conrad, a compassionate woman, offered him a lift.

Mr Bill's Village

Christy Conrad enjoying a meal with Bill Moczulewski: Image via ‘Mr Bill’s Village’ Facebook

She recalls it was 9 degrees that morning when Moczulewski was on his usual route to Walmart when she picked him up.

During the drive, she learned that Bill used to ride a bike but stopped after being hit by a car. With no other options, he now walks to work every day.

Touched by Moczulewski’s dedication to his work, Conrad decided to help him in every way possible.
Since she could not drive him to and fro work each day, she created a Facebook page called, ‘Mr Bill’s Village‘ to look out for volunteers, who could assist him with pick up and drop every day.

Within two months, more than 1,000 people joined the community, truly becoming ‘Mr. Bill’s Village.’ These members keep an eye out for a man in a camouflage jacket walking during the early morning or late evening hours.

As of now, nearly 7,000 people are members of the Mr. Bill’s Village community, competing with each other to see who can offer Mr. Bill a lift.

Mr Bill's Village
A member of Mr Bill’s Village community offering a lift to Mr Bill (center)

Moczulewski responded to the kind gesture by saying, “I think there’s a lot of good people in this world, all over the place.”

Conrad was overwhelmed when the community went viral and was covered by CBS News on television.
She believes in the saying, “Treat others the way you would like to be treated,” and has even mentioned it on the Facebook page of Mr Bill’s Village, while requesting people to follow suit.

The owner of the local Puckett Auto Group, Chris Puckett, wanted to gift a car to Mr Bill but couldn’t, due to his vision problems. He instead, gifted the car to Conrad, as a token of appreciation for her kindness.

Moczulewski still enjoys walking on his days off because he thinks everyone deserves a break, once in a while. Conrad feels that anyone can bring positive changes to someone’s life if they just try.

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Maya Bennett
Maya Bennett

Hey! I’m Maya Bennett, storyteller at heart, marketer by day, and the Founder of the PositivePress.News Website. I believe in sharing stories of happiness and finding the sunshine in life’s everyday😇