How Lilly Edith Got Lucky Enough to Befriend a Wild Fox

An amazing story of how a woman befriended a wild fox that visits her home and even sleeps in her bed!

Lilly Edith from London, UK, has befriended a wild fox and has nicknamed her Melady Pilcrow. Edith shares fun clips and videos of herself playing with the fox on her TikTok account.

Her videos have received millions of views and she has gained around 9,000 followers on the platform. In a recent interview, she gave to Bored Panda, she shared in detail about her unusual friendship with her furry friend.

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a wild fox
Lilly Edith & Melady Pilcrow // TikTok

Originally a Brazilian with native American roots, Edith moved to London, UK, around 20 years ago and works in the operations department at a law firm.

In June of this year, she was going through a particularly difficult time when ‘devastating news’ deeply shook her. In that moment of distress, she prayed to the universe and asked for a sign to know everything would be alright.

Surprisingly, the very next day when she woke up, she saw a fox sitting outside her house, staring right at her. When she opened the door, the fox walked right in, and ever since, she has been visiting her every night.

At the sight of the fox, she instantly knew she had received her much-needed sign, and everything would be alright. Edith believes in the Native American culture, which considers foxes can walk through both the physical and spiritual worlds and carry spiritual significance.

Just like a pilcrow represents a new paragraph or section, Edith’s life took a fresh turn with the arrival of the critter, hence the name. She describes her wild friend as elegant, graceful, and sophisticated while also being playful, naughty, and cheeky.

Edith also clarifies that foxes are an important part of the food chain and help control the population of small pests like rats and mice.

She keeps the window of her house open to let Melady enter any time she prefers, be it days or nights. Edith adds that Melady does not stay with her the entire night but for a few hours, and she does not visit her only for food but also enjoys playing and spending time with her.

Many users on the platform have raised concerns about hygiene and cleanliness due to the wild animal’s regular visits to her home. The TikToker responded by saying she is aware of veterinary care and washes all her bedding and linen after Melady sneaks into her bed.

She also cleans and sanitizes her house after her furry friend leaves. The UK has been rabies-free since the 1900s, so it is not an issue, but on the safer side, she has taken vaccinations in case Melady bites her.

Watch a video of Melady Pilcrow entering Edith’s house –

Although the cleaning process is time-consuming and requires effort, Edith finds it worthwhile since she looks forward to meeting her adorable fox friend. Melady brings her immense joy and happiness, making the entire experience magical and fascinating.

She feels that Melady’s presence has taught her to observe more closely and raised her consciousness and awareness. Despite her busy schedule, Edith makes it a point to respond to every comment on her channel, as she has received an overwhelming amount of love, thanks to Melady.

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Maya Bennett
Maya Bennett

Hey! I’m Maya Bennett, storyteller at heart, marketer by day, and the Founder of the PositivePress.News Website. I believe in sharing stories of happiness and finding the sunshine in life’s everyday😇