Owners Looking for a Lost Cat Find Him 800 Miles Away

Owners looking for a lost cat in Yellowstone were pleasantly surprised when their cat journeyed 800 miles to be found in Roseville, CA.

A couple, Benny and Susanne Anguiano, from Salinas, Monterrey, are fond of camping and have been on several camping trips with their cats.

On a recent camping trip to Yellowstone National Park, Montana, about two months ago, their beloved cat, Rayne Beau (pronounced Rainbow) was startled by something and took off into the woods, not to be seen again.

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looking for a lost cat
Rayne Beau // Susanne Anguiano

The couple kept looking for their lost cat every day of their four-day camping trip; however, Rayne Beau was nowhere to be seen.

The Anguianos tried their best and even laid out Rayne Beau’s favorite toys and treats in the hopes of him returning, but to no avail.

Disappointed and heartbroken, they left Yellowstone without their cat, and according to Susanne, it was the hardest day for her, as she felt like she was abandoning him.

As they made their way back home, Susanne noticed a double rainbow and took it as a sign that Rayne Beau would be found.

But fate had other plans for dear Rayne Beau, and although nearly two months had passed since his disappearance, the Anguianos remained hopeful of finding him.

Exactly two months later, they received a call from the SPCA in Roseville of northern Sacramento County, California, informing them about their missing cat.

A kind woman found Rayne Beau and, realizing he was a pet, took him to the nearest shelter. The shelter staff scanned his microchip identification from Pet Watch and found the Anguianos’ address and other details.

Rayne Beau had a heartwarming reunion with his owners, although he was in poor condition and had become quite weak.

The couple remains clueless as to how their little cat managed to travel from Wyoming to California, covering more than 800 miles.

The Anguianos suggested on KSBW News that all pet owners should “definitely microchip their pets” to help track them in case they get lost.

They also contacted the local news to share Rayne Beau’s amazing journey home, hoping that anyone who may have helped by feeding or caring for him could come forward and enlighten them.

Meanwhile, Rayne Beau is safe and happy to be back with his siblings and family.

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Maya Bennett
Maya Bennett

Hey! I’m Maya Bennett, storyteller at heart, marketer by day, and the Founder of the PositivePress.News Website. I believe in sharing stories of happiness and finding the sunshine in life’s everyday😇