At her Cape Cod wedding, bride Amy Rose Perry honored her late father by releasing butterflies, bringing immense joy to her family.
A wedding held in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, on June 14 this year had a magical moment when the bride released butterflies during the ceremony.
It was the wedding of groom Matthew Perry and bride Amy Rose Perry, and the bride chose to honor her late father, Nathaniel Machain, by releasing butterflies in his memory.
Machain passed away in 1999 when Perry was only seven years old. To include her father in the celebration, she opened a box of monarch butterflies, which, amazingly, stayed by her side throughout the entire ceremony.
Everyone at the wedding was pleasantly surprised when the butterflies chose to stay on Perry’s wedding dress, her sister’s bouquet, and over Matthew’s heart.
The wedding photographer, Brit Perkins, captured stunning pictures of the beautiful event.

According to, Perry felt a strong connection with her father at that moment, feeling he had blessed her on one of the most important occasions of her life.
While butterflies are known to fly away immediately, in Perry’s case, they remained on her wedding dress like embellishments.
Monarch butterflies are believed to have a connection with the deceased, but for Perry’s family, they hold an even deeper significance.
Nathaniel Machain, Perry’s father, passed away at the young age of 36 due to appendix cancer. Since then, Perry has noticed monarch butterflies appearing on important days.
Exactly one year after her father’s passing, Perry, along with her mother, sister, and some friends, went out for a hike. Her father passed away at noon, and at that same moment, a monarch butterfly appeared out of nowhere and rested on the trio one after the other for a while.
Although the incident occurred a long time ago, when Perry was just a child, she still remembers it vividly and describes it as “a pretty profound, and crazy moment.”
Since then, she has observed monarch butterflies on all important dates related to her father, such as his birthday and Father’s Day.
Perry and her family firmly believe that the beautiful insects are connected to her father and his memory. They serve as a powerful reminder of his presence and the warmth of his love.

She remembers her dad as a selfless man who emphasized the importance of compassion and giving.
Aware that he would not be around for long, her father wrote numerous cards for Perry and her sister to mark all the milestones he would miss.
He also wrote a card for her wedding, which began with, “Out of all the cards I have written, this is obviously the most difficult. I will be with you in your heart as you walk down that aisle.”
It was an emotional moment when she released the monarch butterflies, and in the background, the audio played one of her father’s favorite phrases: “Two hugs and kisses for my little girlie whirlies.”
Our loved ones who have passed away are always watching over us, as they now live on through us.
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